Future Champions Cup

Scores - Updated 23.5. 2010
PDF File   >>>>   FCC Scores All Rounds Completed

PDF File >>>>>>>>>>>>>> FCC Winners 2010
Overall club 4 to count

1st  OD 1004 points
2nd  NOC 870
3rd  MDOC 861

Overall Uni 3 to count
1st  Edinburgh  823 points
2nd Sheffield  680
3rd  Cambridge 559

BEOC Middle Action

Infomation 2010
Download above as a PDF
Updated 11th June  2009
2009 Scores
2009 Scores PDF download
2009 Final Combined Times
Congratulations to OD who won the club team competition and EUOC who
won the University Team competition.
2009 Club Team Scores
2009 University Team Scores
194 atletes scored in 2009, 169 last year
Any queries on scores please email: <pauline at britishorienteering.org.uk>
Updated 6thMay 2008
FCC 2008 Scores
FCC Club Scores
FCC University Scores
FCC Final Combined Times

FCC Competitor at the Sprint Champs

FCC 2007
FCC Scores
Queries on scores to:  pauline@britishorienteering.org.uk
Combined Final Times
Updated - 24.4.2007
1st EUOC - 507, 2nd SHUOC - 390, 3rd UWOC - 290, 4th UDOC - 159
1st AIRE - 654, 2nd OD - 610, 3rd DEE - 561, 4th SARUM - 543, 5th HOC - 511
Middle : WCH web site
Long: OD web site
Final Scores - 2006 - Updated 8th May 2006
University Clubs
1. Edinburgh 463 points
2. Sheffield 417 points
3. Warwick 412 points

1. Airienteers 626 points
2. Sarum Orienteers 587 points
3. Deeside Orienteering Club 576 points

Any queries about the scores contact Hilary Palmer:  hilarypalmer@britishorienteering.org.uk

PDF File


2005 Competition
FCC Final Scores 2005

FCC Club and University Trophies

Open Clubs (best 4 scores from the qualifying rounds)

1. Nottinghamshire OC      812 points

2= Essex Stragglers OC  and Southdowns Orienteers
606 points

University Clubs (best 3 scores from the qualifying rounds)

1. Edinburgh 593 points

2. Sheffield   510 points

3. Durham    417 points
(updated 8.5.2005)

Any queries contact Hilary Palmer on hilarypalmer@britishorienteering.org.uk.

For information contact Hilary Palmer 0115 9820651 or hilarypalmer@britishorienteering.org.uk

Previous Years

FCC Final Scores 2004

FCC Final Scores 2003

FCC Final Scores 2002